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I'm a beautiful mermaid

I woke up this morning a little confused about where I was. After 11 months there are still some days it takes me 3 seconds to realize I am in this house alone, and then another 1 second to realize that this house is in Japan.

But I had the most amazing dream! I rode my bike to the beach in the middle of the night. The tide was high but shallow, so I walked out 100 yards underneath stars that filled in the sky from mountain to mountain, with the calm ocean stretching out like a giant pool around me. And when I looked down I saw a trail of sparkles. Waving may hands through the water made swirls of light! My body was shimmering! I was transformed into a magical sea creature. My hands looked like the soft giant paws of Leo running through the sky. My legs turned into a mermaids tail bursting with light. I was transfixed in each individual sparkle of transformation, and there were thousands of them.

And then, as I started to gather my stuff to leave for school I caught my sandals in the doorway. They were filled with sand.

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