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Classroom Oddities

Sometimes it's the 13 year old boy with the purple pencil case with charms, or the 11 year old girl with the marijuana canteen.

Or when after 6th period all the students wash the floor by hand to "Sleigh Bells."

Sometimes it’s the special needs girl and her assistant teacher that fall asleep together every class.

It's the English teacher that asks me questions in front of class to demonstrate a dialogue, but I can’t understand what he is trying to say.

Sometimes it’s the random smacks to the face that teachers give the students.

Or when its lunch time, but it looks more like an HazMat drill.

It’s when all the students and teachers brush their teeth everyday at 1:13pm.

And sometimes it's when you go to the bathroom to take a nap and realize the only Western style toilet in there is but a plastic facade placed on top of a squatter.

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