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Will the Real JTE Please Stand Up

My attempts to speak to  find my co-teacher continue...

So before I left yesterday I stood up approached my new English co-teacher and said “Mr. Iaoueaoueuueeee Sensei. It was nice to meet you. If you need any help, please tell me.” He looked confused. So I say, “I know you are really busy so I can help you.”  He cocks his head to the side, takes a deep breath and says, “Ehhhhhhhh むざかしかな。。。”  The science teacher comes out of nowhere with a translation for him.

DAng! I have a feeling he doesn’t speak English.

So today we have class together. I feel like maybe we should have a convo before that happens. I know I am going to be the one that has to bring it up. But how? Its like asking someone to prom. DAng!

I wish to speak to the new secretary too. The old one was my best friend. She told me what was happening when I found myself all alone. She told me how to get off the island. She told me what was in the school lunch. She told me that I should exist the building since the fire drill started 10 minutes ago… The secretary and the tea lady are the solid gold backbone of the JET Program. My new secretary looks like he is 15 and trying to grow facial hair.  His suit is also eating him. He works in the tea time corner behind a divider. I really want to go back there and chat it up but I think that would give him a stroke. I can’t believe I work in an office where merely talking to someone might cause them physical harm.

So I developed a strategy for conquering these socially awkward mountains. I make bets with another JET. We often talk to each other online throughout the day to exchange WTFs, figure out what is going on, draw up battle plans etc. So I bet she has to confront her teacher or whoever and I will give her the box of treats that magically appeared on my desk, but the catch is every hour she hasn’t done it, I will eat something from the box. She bets that I won’t talk to my new co-teacher or secretary by lunch, or I get the vending machine drank of my choice.

Not one to loose bets, I just asked my co-teacher in Japanese if there is anything I could do for 5th period. He seems confused so I say “English class.” Then he says something about asking the English teacher, while pointing to the desk where the new P.E. teacher sits. Hmmm. This is where I could ask my old secretary what, WHAT, is going on.

Sooo, I’ve had to wait until now, 5th period to see if the JTE would reveal him/herself. Nobody has taken me to class so I’m about to sneak up there and see who it is. Be right back…

Ok so I stood around the corner and listened in an empty stairwell for about 5 minutes. The teacher is who I think I suspected it to be all along. He was just telling jokes in Japanese without a mention of English.  The saga continues!

May I have you attention please. May I have your attention please.

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