3 hours is the maximum amount of class I have in a 8 hour work day. Some days the extra time is taken care of because we happen to be making mochi, planting onions, having some type of important (BORING!!!) speech, or a fire drill. I never know about these plans until they are happening. Some days I am bitter about this because some days I hold the perception that they assume I do not need to know anything about my job. Other days I have plenty of time to chat with the other ALTs online about what we are confused about at that moment…
Robin: man im in shock though
so one of my fellow teachers, she's the PE teacher, leader of the third grade teachers
im also slightly afraid of her. She's been nice to me, but she's one of those people who like they tell you to do something and you do it
she's maybe like 50 or something, and reminds me of like....a nun, one of those nuns who practices tough love
though she’s not, she's married and has raised three sons apparently
i was sitting here at my desk, well i was slouching at my desk, searching the net cause I have nothing to do
when someone suddenly grabs my shoulders, I immediately sit up, thinking im in trouble, and look up to see her standing behind me
me: haha
Robin: and then, she starts to give me a massage
while chatting to some of the other teachers about random teacher things
Robin: after a few minutes she gives my shoulder a pat and moves on to do her work
while I sat there slack jawed in shock
im still in shock
i can like count on one hand the amount of times ive seen an adult japanese person touch another adult when they weren't drunk
me: ahahha
that is shocking
Robin: and I can't remember a clear time when one of my fellows teachers has touched me lol
like in anyway!
we don’t even hand shake for crying outloud!
me: ya one time someone put their hand on my shoulder and i moved away
out of pure shock
Robin: right?
me: man you will be shocked for a while
Robin: and she's not even a teacher i interact with regularly!
i am not prepared for this
this wasn’t in the JET handbook
me: exactly
this is the real disturbing stuff
Robin: just when i thought Japan couldn't shock me
it could piss me off, it could bewilder me, it could amuse me
but it couldn’t shock me
it proves me wrong
me: hahahahaha
(5 min later)
me: since i feel inadequate at this job
im getting really involved in my English board
im making a miniature house at Christmas time
because i realized Japan likes miniature
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