So in addition to that I’ve seen some pretty awesome creatures. Here are some favs:
Grumpy fish: Nothing too special, but these ones make me laugh. They are taking life way too seriously. They sort of look like black clownfish with really upset faces and they get all pushy if you get too close to their anemone.
The pimps and hoes: There are these really pretty long light blue fish with beautiful tails. Their tails are like ribbons and they are the colors of fairies. They are pretty small though so I can’t be sure if it looks like they are wearing makeup. These are the hoes, and they never go too far from their pimp. The pimp fish chills outside this hole in the bottom of the sand. If he had arms they would be crossed. He never looks friendly, and he never leaves the opening of this hole. If anything gets to close he calls the hoes back, who disappear into the hole behind him, and he doesn't even flinch.
Lion fish: Like a real lion stalking its prey, these babies just appear out of nowhere. I will sense that something is following me and look around, and BAM there is a lionfish just looking at me. I will think huh, cool. Creepy, but cool. So I turn back around to keep swimming and BAM, another one is now right in front of me. A few searching glances to either side and I notice another one or two more. All looking at me. I think it would be really cool to be stealth like the lion fish.
*Afternote: I did some research into this and turns out some pokeman have been based off of the sea slug. So I guess it happened the other way around. But still…
SO..... CUTE !! are those eyes under a hat?