At all Elementary, Junior High, and High Schools there is a sports festival where students do various sports-esque demonstrations for the community. It's a pretty big deal. I can maybe alike it to Homecoming, but without the exciting social maneuvers concerning popularity contests and formal dances. If there is any drama going down, I am still too culturally dense and language impaired to pick up on it.
I don’t know why they have Sports Day during the hottest time of the year, because many students have fainted, or fallen ill, or collapsed, or started crying over the past few weeks of practices. For three weekends in a row I have attended these events, and while I enjoy the novelty of something new, I sometimes feel the need to yell, “What the hell is GOING ON?” (and sometimes I do, because nobody gets it as long as I am smiling) and dearly wish you could be sitting next to me so we could make witty commentary on what we think all the speeches and to-do are about.
Here is last week’s Sports Day Festival in a nutshell:
Normal enough ceremonial crap and group stretching, spectators included (Picture principals in suits doing lunges):
Army formations and the marching begins:
Impressive gymnastics:
More impressive gymnastics:
Races and Special Races (Picture me on a relay team of principals racing around some cones with a wheel and stick)
Stunts that have never once worked in practice:
I told you the girl ALWAYS and WILL ALWAYS fall off the top:
Old Grandpa and baby team ball throwing competition:
A monkey throws some candy and chases a water bearer:
Fight over old tires:
The worst spirit dance of ALL TIME:
Power Rangers show up…
It's a shame this only happens once a year.
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